Rowing: Head of Harbour Regatta
Published 11:30 on 10 Mar 2025
On Saturday 8th March our Dell Quay rowers attended the Head of Harbour Regatta, hosted by Itchenor Sailing club, fielding a Men's Open Crew and a Mixed Crew.
This was a multi class event and the 18 boat fleet comprised of Bursledon Gigs, a Solent Galley, a Clayton Skiff, Celtic Longboats, Cornish Gigs and Swifts. The traditional, fixed seat boats were governed by the Ouse Yardstick handicap system which has become the standard for these kind of events in the harbour and the Swifts, a faster, sliding seat scull rowed by four crew members were judged as a single class category.
The racing was over a 10 kilometre course, from Itchenor Sailing Club to East Head Buoy and back. It was a brisk, windy day which presented moderately challenging conditions.
DQ men, coxed by Sarah Haig and rowed by Nigel Foster, Andrew Graham, James Hooper and Iain Campbell continued with their current run
of good form. They secured 1st place in both the Celtic Longboat class and the Men's Open event overall with a creditable elapsed
time of 53 mins 15 secs adjusted on handicap to 48 mins 5 secs, some 6 mins 41 secs ahead of the closest Cornish Gigs which are
rowed by a larger Crew of 6.
The mixed crew, coxed by Iain Campbell and rowed by Sarah Haig, James Hooper, Chris White and Ally Forrest had more challenging tidal
conditions when they raced, approximately 2 hours later in the day. However, the crew showed what hard work and dedication to training
can achieve by securing 1st place in the Celtic Longboat Class and 2nd place overall with a time of 62 mins 15 secs, adjusted on handicap
to 56 mins 13 secs, losing only to Langstone Lady of Langstone Cutters Rowing Club who completed the course in 66 mins 25 secs adjusted
to 52 mins 48 secs on handicap.
The accolade of "rower of the day" had to go to James Hooper, who put in a massive performance by competing in both races, some 20 kilometres of high intensity rowing! When asked how he felt afterwards he modestly stated, "a little sore, but otherwise fine".
This was a fantastic and well organised event and our thanks go to all those at Itchenor Sailing Club who were involved in making it happen.
An eagerly awaited break in the season is now upon us, with some 6 weeks before the next event at Hamble on 17th May. Race training continues on Thursdays!
Nigel Foster.
DQ Rowing, Race Captain.