Cruiser Trophies
Cruiser Trophies
Now we are all afloat again. We have replaced masts, sails and all the other bits we stored at home over the winter. It is time to consider the cruising that we want to do, and what we would like to get out of it.
Those of us lucky enough to form your Cruiser Subcommittee have given long and serious consideration and discussion over the last few dark and very damp months about how to encourage people to go cruising. Routing around in the club's office, we discovered three Cruiser Trophies. Yes, we thought, something to aim for, as if getting away to Yarmouth, Cherbourg, St.Peter Port or Bembridge didn't provide enough encouragement to get out.
On a more serious note, the three Cruiser Trophies have been neglected over the last few years, but we want to reinstate them. They record part of the history and activity of the club and it is our intention to polish them up and award them each year going forward.
For the Best Cruising Log / Account
(Submission deadline:- Lift-out, late October)

The Dell Quay Log Trophy will be awarded to the person, Skipper or participating Crew who submits the best account of a specific cruise. This can be either a formal log of a voyage, or a readable account of an expedition. The finalists will be judged on various attributes which might include readability, challenge, general interest or anything the judges think makes the submission stand out. The judges, who may well protect their anonymity, will have absolute discretion and their decision will be final. Hint: pictures could catch the judges' eye.
Competition is only be open to DQSC members. The subject voyage or expedition need not relate to voyages in home waters, but must have occurred during 2018.
For the Most Rallies Attended

The Early Bird Trophy used to be awarded to the first DQSC boat to reach Yarmouth IOW. However, we considered this too easy, especially for members with marina berths! This trophy will now be awarded to the DQSC member, again skipper or crew, who attends the greatest number of DQSC rallies in the season.
For avoidance of doubt, the cross-channel rallies score as 1 rally each.
Skippers please take note: to avoid potential mutiny, ensure that all your crew are recorded on all rallies.
For Notable Accomplishment

The Cruiser Cup will be a discretionary award open to any club member. It will be awarded to a person, who in the opinion of the Cruiser Sub-committee, deserves special recognition for their activity in support of cruising from Dell Quay.
This could be for personal achievement, support of the club or other members of the club, in any respect, that stands out as going above and beyond. Again, the judges' decision will be final. It is our intention that this award, together with the two other trophies, will be presented at an early winter Cruiser Social.