Dinghy Racing at Dell Quay

Dell Quay sailing club is home to a wide variety of dinghies, including classes such as 2000, Solo, Laser, Optimist, Topper and RS 400. Within the dinghy community, Dell Quay Sailing Club hosts many racing series throughout the sailing year.
In this section you can find the results of each Dell Quay race , including information of future races. Reports and racing information are available.
If you are new to racing, just visit Club Sailing Instructions to view DQ racing rules and
Classes - Adopted/Development
Adopted Classes
The 'adopted' classes have a separate start for 'Trophy' series races on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season. Currently the 'adopted' classes at Dell Quay are the Solo and the Firefly.
There is a 'Handicap' start for all classes that do not automatically qualify to start in the 'adopted' classes. At the end of the 2009 season the Sailing Committee upgraded the Solo class from development class to adopted status and changed the Topper class start to a Junior Handicap fleet start.

The 'adopted' classes have a separate start for 'Trophy' series races on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the season. From 2010 the 'adopted' classes at Dell Quay are the Solo and Firefly. There is a 'Handicap' start for all classes that do not automatically qualify to start in the 'adopted' classes. At the end of the 2009 season the Sailing Committee upgraded the Solo class from development class to adopted status and changed the Topper class start to a Junior Handicap fleet start.
Adopted/ Development Class Guidelines
The Sailing Committee has decided to adopt a set of guidelines regarding the status of the Adopted and Development Classes at the Club. This will ensure that everyone is aware of how the system will work, and the criteria that the Sailing Committee will use in the future when looking at Class racing at the Club.

*Specific series of races shall be scheduled for Adopted Classes, General Handicap and Juniors (when numbers allow)
*Adopted Class status shall be conferred on those classes that have achieved an average of 4 starting boats in races where fleet starts have been available in the preceding year.
*Adopted Class status shall be removed if less than an average of four boats start in races where fleet starts have been available in each of two consecutive seasons.
*Development Class status shall be conferred on a class of dinghy that, in the opinion of the Sailing Committee, should be fostered with a view to gaining sufficient numbers to merit the award of Adopted Class Status.
*Development Class boats shall compete in the General Handicap series of races.
*Development Class status shall be removed if Adopted Class status is not achieved within three seasons or earlier at the discretion of the Sailing Committee.
*General Handicap races in the 'Trophy Series' shall be open to all boats that are not Adopted Classes.